Northern Nutrition Supplements

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Health and Fitness Glossary

A complete glossary of health and fitness related terminology.

Testosterone Booster

Ecdysterone Supplement

Kre Alkalyn Creatine

Amino Acids for Bodybuilding

Human Growth Hormone Supplement

Fat Burner Stack


Abdominals: stomach muscles.

Adaptogen: a substance that strengthens bodily functions and increases resistance to stress.

Aerobic: means "requiring oxygen".

Amino Acids: a group of nitrogen contained compounds that are the building blocks that make up protein.

Anabolic: a state of growth in the body.

Anaerobic: means "without oxygen".

Anti-Catabolic: the prevention or halting of cellular breakdown.

Antioxidants: substances that prevent and/or impede cell destruction by free radicals.

Aphrodisiac: a substance that is capable of stimulating sexual desire.

Assimilation: the process in which food is absorbed and utilized by the body.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate): a high-energy molecule stored in muscle and other cell in the body as an energy source.


Biceps: front part of upper arm.

Bioavailability: the term used to describe the ease in which nutrients are absorbed.

BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate): the base number of calories required for optimal bodily functions.

Buffer: a substance that minimizes harmful effects.


Calves: the muscles located on the lower leg.

Catabolic: their bodily state where different parts of the anatomy are broken down to produce energy.

Chelating Agent: a substance that is often connected to a nutrient to increase the absorption of that nutrient.

Chest: the breast muscles covering the rib cage.

Coenzyme: a substance that assists with an enzyme's activity.

Cortisol: a hormone that is used during a catabolic state.


Deficiency: a lack of one or more nutrients.

Delts (Deltoids): shoulder muscles.

Denatured: a protein that has lost its natural structure.

Digestion: the breakdown of food into smaller molecules.

Diuretic: a substance that increases urine secretion.


Electrolytes: substances which when in solution, are capable of conducting electricity.

Enzyme: a protein catalyst that causes an activity in a living thing.

Equilibrium: a state of balance.

Ergogenic: a substance or practice that improves athletic performance.

Excretion: the process in which an orgasm rids itself of cellular waste.


Flavonoids: plant derived substances that have strong bioactive properties.

Free-Form Amino Acids: individual amino acids.

Free Radicals: highly reactive molecules that can cause cellular damage.


Glucose: the basic form of sugar that circulates in the bloodstream.

Glutes: muscles in your butt.

Glycemic Index: the measure of a foods impact on insulin levels.

Glycogen: the primary storage method of carbohydrate energy.


Hamstrings: rear thigh muscles.

HDL: the good type of cholesterol.

Hormones: bodily chemicals that regulate and perform various functions.

Hydrolysis: a process in which large complex molecules are broken into smaller molecules.

Hypnotic: another name for sleeping pill.

Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar levels.

Hypotensive: low blood pressure.


Isoflavones: a naturally occurring plant component that shares similarities with estrogen.


Lactic Acid: a substance that is the primary cause of muscle fatigue.

Lats (Latissimus Dorsi): the muscles in the back of the armpit and the side of the back that connect the arm to the back.

LDL: the bad cholesterol.

Lipolysis: the making of body fat.

Lipolytic: meaning "to disintegrate fat".

Lipotropic: substances that prevent or curtail the buildup of fat in the liver.


Macronutrients: large nutrients.

Malabsorption: the bad absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract.

Metabolic Rate: the measurement use to determine the rate in which stored energy is turned into working energy.

Metabolism: the process of utilizing nutrients.

Micronutrients: small nutrients.

Muscle Cell: a cell that can contract and return to its original length.


Neurotransmitter: a chemical that is released by a nerve ending and used to transmit messages from one nerve or cell to another.

Nitric Oxide: a type of neurotransmitter that can cause blood vessels to dilate.

Nitrogen: an element that distinguishes protein from all other nutrients. Required for growth.

Nutrient: food substance.


Osmosis: a filtering process.

Oxidation: the process of cellular decomposition and breakdown.


Peptide: two or more amino acids linked together.

Phytochemical: means "plant chemical".

Phytotherapy: using plants as medicines.

Polysaccharide: a complex carbohydrate, made when simple sugars bound together.

Precursors: substances from which other substances are formed in.

Pure: only one substance. No other substances present.


Quads (Quadriceps): front thigh muscles.


Regeneration: a state of repair and growth of cells.


Secretion: a discharge of substances from cells.

Sensory Nerve: a nerve that carries a message.

Stacking: the combining of two or more compounds at once in an attempt to maximize results.

Sublingual: meaning "beneath the tongue".

Synergistic: the result that is created when two compounds "co-operate" with each other.


Tissue: a group of similar cells working together to perform a particular function.

Traps (Trapezius): a back muscle that connects from the base of the head to the middle of the back and the two shoulders.

Triceps: the muscles on the back part of upper arm.


Up-Regulate: means "increase".

Urea: waste product of the body.

Utilize: to make use of.

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